Monday, October 22, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Sunday, August 19, 2012
The 210 Most Ridiculous Political Lies (from the 2008 campaign up to 2012.)
Pants on Fire – The statement is not accurate and makes a ridiculous claim.
Of these fact-checked statements, (see links for supportive evidence,)
Lie Category | Number of Lies | % of Total |
Attack Obama's Policies (biggest was Healthcare) | 58 | 27.62% |
Attack Democrat Policies | 48 | 22.86% |
Directly Attack Barack Obama or Michelle | 41 | 19.52% |
Attack another specific Democrat | 12 | 5.71% |
Attack U.S. Foreign Policy | 3 | 1.43% |
Attack Republicans | 16 | 7.62% |
Attack Republican Policies | 9 | 4.29% |
Positively distort a Republican's record | 7 | 3.33% |
Positively Distort a Republican Policy | 4 | 1.90% |
Republican Backpedal | 2 | 0.95% |
Positively Distort a Democrat's Record | 5 | 2.38% |
Democrat Backpedal | 1 | 0.48% |
Biggest Sources of Misinformation

- Accuses President Barack Obama of making contradictory claims about efforts to kill Osama bin Laden in 2008 and 2011. E-mail is based on six fabricated quotes
- Next year, "you will be mandated by federal law to get rid of your existing light bulbs." No light bulb police
- Foreign Trade Zones allow U.S. "land to be inhabited by Chinese communists -- communists straight from China! They are to set up little towns and live here." No, the communists won't be living in foreign trade zones
- Members of Congress and their families and staff are exempt from repaying student loans. A new twist on an old favorite
- Says a quote at the top of the redesigned website for the Department of Justice comes from a socialist who wanted to impose global common law. Misinformed outrage over DOJ website
- Says that President Obama said, "Nobody made these guys go to war. ... Now they whine about bearing the costs of their choice?" Chain e-mail lies to vets
- Barack Obama is the "First President to terminate America’s ability to put a man in space." Nixon was, possibly with Ford's help
- Medicare monthly premiums will go up to $104.20 in 2012 and $247.00 in 2014 due to "provisions incorporated in the Obamacare legislation, purposely delayed so as not to 'confuse' the 2012 re-election campaigns." Making up numbers
- The health care law includes "a 3.8% sales tax" on "all real estate transactions." Put a stake through the heart of this chain email
- Says "a lip-reading instructor at the River School, a Washington, D.C., school for the deaf" has determined that during 9/11 ceremonies, Michelle Obama said, "All this for a damn flag." Read our lips: No truth in this one
- Says Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie made a late-night visit to Kinko’s to forge President Barack Obama’s birth certificate two days before Obama unveiled it to the media. Gullible people forwarded it after "satire" label got dropped
- "Why was there no news coverage of this raid on the Arizona border? … Seizure was just five days ago. Right on the Arizona border!" Not five days ago, not near Arizona
- Says that in a hearing, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords suggested to Gen. David Petraeus that the Army "put more emphasis on less environmentally damaging methods, like stabbing or clubbing enemy forces in order to minimize the carbon output." Claim stems from satire, not fact
- Under the new health care law, "all real estate transactions will be subject to a 3.8% Sales Tax" Chain e-mailers just won't quit
- When Obama went to Pakistan in 1981, he could not have been traveling as a U.S. citizen. No facts were harmed in the writing of this e-mail
- A transcript released by Occidental College proves that Barack Obama was an Indonesian citizen. No such story, no released transcript
- Justice Antonin Scalia agreed for the Supreme Court to hear a case about whether Barack Obama is eligible to be President. Fake story, wrong court procedure, bogus outcome
- Starting in 2011, "you will be required to pay taxes" on "the value of whatever health insurance you are given by the company." Private insurance will not be taxed next year
- "In 20 years there will be enough Muslim voters in the U.S. to elect the president by themselves." Laws of biology and immigration say a resounding "no"
- Obama said troops "whine about bearing the costs" of going to war. Satire takes on twisted viral life
- A data-storing microchip "would be implanted in the majority of people who opt to become covered by the public health care option." No, and the health insurance exchanges won't turn you into a zombie, either
- Under the cap-and-trade bill, homes would have to be retrofitted to meet energy and water efficiency standards before they could be sold. There's no such provision in the bill
- Maj. Nidal Hasan, the man accused of the Fort Hood shootings, "was an ADVISOR to the Obama Administration." Once upon a time, he attended a conference. End of story.
- You must list all your guns on your 2010 tax return. Blaming Obama for an idea that died nine years ago
- The Obama White House is renaming Christmas trees "holiday trees." No such letter — and White House still calls them Christmas trees
- "For the first time in history, the Democratic Congress will not allow an increase in the social security COLA (cost of living adjustment)." Blame Nixon, not Democratic Congress
- "All non-US citizens, illegal or not, will be provided with free health care services." No free health care for everyone
- In the health care bill, "The 'Health Choices Commissioner' will decide health benefits for you. You will have no choice. None." Bill says you pick your plan
- "The Senate voted this week to allow illegal aliens access to Social Security benefits." You can clean out your inbox. This chain email couldn't be more wrong.
- "The ACLU has filed a suit to have all military cross-shaped headstones removed." ACLU has other things to do
- The Free Flow of Information Act of 2009 "would guarantee Barack Obama will never be held accountable for producing forged birth documents." Would protect journalists from revealing confidential sources
- Obama used $20 million in federal money "to emmigrate (sic) Hamas Refugees to the USA." Sen. Kyl among those who give credence to bogus e-mail
- "AIG insures the pension trust of the United States Congress!" Not AIG — taxpayers
- "The Obama Administration wants to have soldiers and officers pledge a loyalty oath directly to the office of the President, and no longer to the Constitution." Bloggers fall for satire - again
- "Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income." Pelosi burned by e-mailer's flaming pants
- Michelle Obama ordered $400 worth of lobster and caviar at a New York hotel. Official-looking receipt is a fake
- Says Obama wants to redesign the American flag "to better offer our enemies hope and love." The Coke theme song and more ridiculous allegations
- "The Books Sarah Palin tried to have banned." Let's ban this list
- From Obama's book: "I found a solace in nursing a pervasive sense of grievance and animosity against my mother's race." Obama didn't write that
- Obama's wife wrote a paper in college that said America was a nation founded on "crime and hatred" and that whites in America are "ineradicably racist." Her senior thesis doesn't say that
- "Obama ... gave almost a million dollars to the (Kenya) opposition campaign who just happened to be his cousin, Raila Odinga." 'Not a cent' from unrelated Obama
- "His true name is Barak Hussein Muhammed Obama." No Muhammed or Mohammed in Obama's name
- Obama thinks the national anthem should be "I'd Like to Teach the World to Sing." Obama e-mail: It's not The Real Thing
- "According to The Book of Revelations the anti-christ ... will be a man, in his 40s, of MUSLIM descent ... is it OBAMA??" Complete distortion of the Bible
- Barack Obama's middle name is Mohammed and he's a "covert" Muslim. Not a Muslim; not Mohammed
- When Obama was sworn into office, "he DID NOT use the Holy Bible, but instead the Kuran (Their equivalency to our Bible, but very different beliefs)." Obama sworn in on his Bible
- "Obama was enrolled in a Wahabi school in Jakarta. Wahabism is the RADICAL teaching that is followed by the Muslim terrorists who are now waging Jihad against the western world." Obama attended an Indonesian public school
- An anonymous e-mail says that Hillary Clinton advocates communism. Hillary's no red menace

- "After the debate that we had last week, PolitiFact came out and said that everything I said was true." Uh, except for that Pants on Fire...
- "Under Barack Obama's watch, we have expended $805 billion to liberate the people of Iraq and, more importantly, 4,400 American lives." Most of that was under Bush, not Obama
- "President Obama has the lowest public approval ratings of any president in modern times." Obama's lows are higher than most presidents' lows
- Says Mitt Romney, as governor of Massachusetts, "put into place socialized medicine." Nearly the opposite
- President Barack Obama "has virtually no one in his cabinet with private-sector experience." Wrong in 2009, and wrong today
- "One. That's the number of new drilling permits under the Obama administration since they came into office." One wrong statement
- Small businesses that have "$250,000 in gross sales for the business. They're the ones that are looking at massive tax increases." It's after writing off all your business expenses.
- "Speaker Pelosi ... has been busy sticking the taxpayer with her $100,000 bar tab for alcohol on the military jets that she's flying." A small fraction of that amount was for alcohol
- Page 92 of the House health care bill "says specifically that people can't purchase private health insurance after a date certain." She should read the other 1,989 pages
- ACORN will be a paid partner with the Census Bureau and "they will be in charge of going door-to-door and collecting data from the American public." ACORN not getting money, not collecting data
- Says the Constitution only requires her to tell the census "how many people are in our home." Bachmann's claim wrong, and illegal
- In the 1970s, "the swine flu broke out . . . under another Democrat, President Jimmy Carter." Swine flu isn't blue

- "Under Obama’s plan (for welfare), you wouldn’t have to work and wouldn’t have to train for a job. They just send you your welfare check." Inflaming old resentments
- President Barack Obama is "ending Medicare as we know it." The evidence is not even close
- Ronald Reagan’s philosophy of "peace through strength" is why "the Iranians released the hostages on the same day and at the same hour that Reagan was sworn in." Reagan did many things; this wasn't one of them
- Says in the 2012 State of the Union address, President Obama "didn't even mention the deficit or debt." No mentions? Try six.
- "We're only inches away from no longer being a free economy." Pants on Fire once, Pants on Fire twice ... , Pants on Fire in June, Pants on fire now, Marx wouldn't be happy with the U.S., circa 2011
- The U.S. military is at risk of losing its "military superiority" because "our Navy is smaller than it's been since 1917. Our Air Force is smaller and older than any time since 1947." Our horse cavalry ain't what it used to be, either
- Says Barack Obama said, "If we keep talking about the economy, we’re going to lose." Words taken way out of context
- President Obama "went around the world and apologized for America." Repeating false charge doesn't make it true, Wrong before, and even more wrong now,
- The Massachusetts health care plan "dealt with 8 percent of our population," far less than the "100 percent of American people" affected by President Barack Obama’s health care law. Comparing apples and oranges
- President Obama’s health care law "represents a government takeover of health care." The claim lives on
- "I don't describe your plan as amnesty in my ad. I don't call it amnesty." Amnesty, amnesty, amnesty, amnesty!

- "I never considered myself a maverick." Except for all those times he called himself a maverick
- "(Bill) Ayers and Obama ran a radical education foundation together." Not a radical group, and Ayers didn't run it
- Obama's one education accomplishment was "legislation to teach 'comprehensive sex education' to kindergartners." An absurd claim about a bill that never passed
- Says Obama called Sarah Palin a pig. If there's lipstick on a pig, it's this McCain ad
- Obama wants to increase the size of government by 23 percent. McCain's math is not even close
- Says Obama opposes innovation, the electric car and "clean, safe, nuclear energy." This 007 claim is out of ammo
- McCain says the price of a gas tax "holiday" would be about the same as "a Bridge to Nowhere (or) another pork barrel project." Holiday much more costly than McCain suggests
- Obama "suggested bombing Pakistan." A distortion of what Obama said
Newt Gingrich (7)
- Newt Gingrich says electric co-ops and credit unions are "government-sponsored enterprises" like Freddie Mac. Freddie's a GSE, credit union's not
- "No federal official at any level is currently allowed to say ‘Merry Christmas.’" Big Brother doesn't nix Father Christmas
- Says Freddie Mac, electric co-ops and credit unions are all "government sponsored" enterprises. No. Not really
- Says the congressional ethics investigation against him was conducted by "a very partisan political committee" in a way that "related more to the politics of the Democratic Party than to ethics." A historian rewrites history
- People can use food stamps "for anything," including "to go to Hawaii," and even millionaires can qualify. Wrong in so many ways
- A recent Obama executive order could "lead to a number of investigations by Interpol in the United States, potentially aimed at American officials." Interpol just doesn't work that way
- Inside the stimulus package "is anti-Christian legislation that will stop churches from using public schools for meeting on Sundays, as well as Boy Scouts and student Bible study groups." Sunday schools may proceed as usual

- New food safety legislation will regulate backyard gardening. Backyard gardens remain your own bit of paradise.
- Barack Obama appeared in the video for 'Whoomp! (There it is!)' Is that Obama shaking his derriere?
- Barack Obama wrote a thesis at Columbia University in which he criticized "plutocratic thugs" and said the Constitution gave Americans "the shackles of hypocrisy." Ready, fire, aim
- Photo of "tea party" protests shows crowd sprawling from Capitol to Washington Monument A picture tells a thousand lies
- "Clinton's former pastor convicted of child molestation." Oops! Wrong Clinton!
- Obama says America is great, but let's "try to change it." A made-up quote goes global
- "Barack Obama loves Che Guevara." Flag was there, but Obama wasn't waving it
Barack Obama (6)
- Says Mitt Romney "backed a bill that outlaws all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest." He said just the opposite
- "If you actually took the number of Muslims [sic] Americans, we'd be one of the largest Muslim countries in the world." America is one of the largest Muslim countries? Not so much
- "Mitt Romney, Rick Perry, and Newt Gingrich all say they would cut foreign aid to Israel — and every other country — to zero." None of them said they wanted zero aid for Israel
- "And 100 percent, John, of your ads . . . 100 percent of them have been negative." No, McCain's ads haven't all been negative
- Obama ad contends that John McCain endorses Rush Limbaugh's comments about immigration. Limbaugh's not a McCain spokesman
- "What I have done -- and this is unprecedented ... is I've said to each agency ... 'look at regulations that are already on the books and if they don't make sense, let's get rid of them.'" Not unprecedented at all
Rush Limbaugh (5)
- Says it's not "accidental" that the villain in the Batman movie is named Bane. 'Ridiculous,' Bane creator says
- "Obamacare is . . . the largest tax increase in the history of the world." Not even biggest in U.S. history
- People "can't go fishing anymore because of Obama." Obama isn't confiscating rods and reels
- There are "high administrative costs" when you donate to Haiti relief through the White House Web site. No, there's no Pay Pal on White House site
- "President Obama . . . wants to mandate circumcision." No one's mandating circumcision, including Obama
Sarah Palin (5)
- "We're going to be looking at $8 billion a day that we're going to be pouring into foreign countries in order to import that make-up fuel that we're going to need to take the place of what we could have gotten out of the gulf." Math doesn't add up
- "Democrats are poised now to cause this largest tax increase in U.S. history." Reagan raised taxes higher than the real Dem plan
- Seniors and the disabled "will have to stand in front of Obama's 'death panel' so his bureaucrats can decide, based on a subjective judgment of their 'level of productivity in society,' whether they are worthy of health care." Sci-fi scenario not based in reality
- Obama would "experiment with socialism." The McCain campaign experiments with dishonesty
- "The truth was revealed there in that report that showed there was no unlawful or unethical activity on my part." Report finds Palin violated ethics laws

- Says President Barack Obama "is a socialist." Ridiculous distortion
- "The federal government has not engaged in (border security) at all." More U.S. agents than ever patrol the border
- "The first round of stimulus ... it created zero jobs." A ridiculous claim no matter who says it
- Says President Barack Obama delivered $2 billion to Brazil to help with offshore drilling projects. Not $2 billion and not from Obama
Facebook posts (4)
- "Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties in U.S. are illegals." A tiny fraction of that
- "More than 43 percent of all food stamps are given to illegals." Mathematically impossible
- "Bank of America could create 878,300 jobs with benefits if they spent their 2010 bonuses on job creation." Calculation is based on all compensation for every employee, not just bonuses
- Congressional Republicans have introduced dozens of bills on social issues and other topics, but "zero on job creation." Claim is based on a statistical quirk
Glenn Beck (4)
- Says Michelle Obama has 43 people on her staff; Nancy Reagan had just 3. Misinformed outrage
- "The government is trying to now close the Lincoln Memorial for any kind of large gatherings." Lincoln Memorial is open for biz - and rallies
- "In the health care bill, we're now offering insurance for dogs." No public option for Bo
- John Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy, "has proposed forcing abortions and putting sterilants in the drinking water to control population." Holdren never endorsed these ideas
Rick Santorum (3)
- President Barack Obama’s policies have forced "many parts of the country to experience rolling blackouts." About as many planned outages as blackouts caused by squirrels
- Says in the last 20 years, the French have not "stood by" the United States on foreign policy. They have -- time and again
- "Any child born prematurely, according to the president, in his own words, can be killed." Disagreement on abortion taken to an extreme

- After the U.S.-led military alliance ejected Saddam Hussein’s forces from Kuwait in 1991, the Kuwaitis "never paid us." Kuwait paid $16 billion in war costs, U.S. paid $7 billion
- "CNN did a poll recently where Obama and I are statistically tied." One poll (misidentified) conducted before he delved into birth certificate issue
- "The people that went to school with (Barack Obama), they never saw him, they don't know who he is." Plenty of classmates remember Obama

- "When one person sneezes, it goes all the way through the aircraft." A couple of rows, maybe.
- Rudy Giuliani is "probably the most underqualified man since George Bush to seek the presidency." Rudy has run the nation's largest city
- "The president is brain-dead." Irresponsible claim (and wrong medical diagnosis)
- Says Barack "Obama admits he’s coming for our guns, telling Sarah Brady, ‘We are working on (gun control), but under the radar.’ " Iffy quote, worse interpretation
- "Obama's Ten Point Plan to 'Change' the Second Amendment…Ban use of firearms for home defense." Yes, and outlaw apple pie as well
- Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "$1.2 billion to a solar company that's building a plant in Mexico." Nope — try loan for project in California
- "A government panel that didn't include cancer specialists says women shouldn't receive mammograms until age 50...If government takes over health care, recommendations like these could become the law for all kinds of diseases." Amendments assure mammogram coverage for women over 40
Crossroads GPS (2)
- "Unions don’t have to comply with Obamacare." Long explanation for a whole lot of nothing
- "North Dakota's economy is reeling." Cookie-cutter ad gone bad
Nancy Pelosi (2)
Promotes a chart saying that Barack Obama has "increased the debt" by 16 percent, compared to George W. Bush, who increased it by 115 percent. Calculations shift responsibility for one debt-heavy year from Obama to Bush
Says John Boehner "admits 'we are not going to be any different than we’ve been' " by returning to "the same failed economic policies" that "wrecked our economy." Boehner was talking about social issues, not economics
Harry Reid (2)
- Says Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years. Big claim, but nothing to back it up
- There was a "loss of eight million jobs during the Bush eight years." Yes, eight million jobs lost, but not during Bush's eight years
"We haven't yet taken out a negative ad." Except the one that paints her opponent as a roving psychopath
Chris Coons has "Marxist beliefs." Headline of college article was an obvious joke
Ed Schultz (2)
With his decision on whether to fire Gen. Stanley McChrystal, President Obama "has to fix yet another problem he inherited from the Bush administration." Obama was the one who put him in charge of war in Afghanistan
"Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu received almost $1.8 million from BP over the last decade." $1.8 million? More like $25,200
Rudy Giuliani (2)
"We had no domestic attacks under Bush." Did Rudy get amnesia?
"I'm probably one of the four or five best-known Americans in the world." Famous, but not that famous
RNC version of a Hillary Clinton valentine: "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll raise your taxes and there is nothing you can do." Hunk of burning love
Schoolchildren across the nation "will be forced to watch the president justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other president." We didn't realize studying hard was socialist ideology
"Fidel Castro endorses Obama." Castro not stumping for Obama
Michael Steele (2)
The Department of Veterans Affairs has "a manual out there telling our veterans stuff like, 'Are you really of value to your community?' You know, encouraging them to commit suicide." VA does not encourage suicide
"You and I know that in the history of mankind and womankind, government — federal, state, local, or otherwise — has never created one job." Tell that to teachers, postal workers ...
Sarah Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States." He's wrong, even without counting all the votes
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were "brave people, most of whom, by the way, were clergymen." 1 out of 56 equals 'most'? No, it doesn't
"Hillary (Clinton), one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995." Not at night, not one time, not ...
Obama "basically threatened to bomb Pakistan." Et tu, Clinton?
J.D. Hayworth (2)
"The Massachusetts Supreme Court...defined marriage as simply, quote, the establishment of intimacy ... I guess that would mean if you really had affection for your horse, I guess you could marry your horse." Mr. and Mrs. Ed?
"Up until two weeks ago, John McCain was a leading proponent of amnesty. Now with me challenging him, suddenly he has changed." No evidence that Hayworth spooked the Maverick
Paul Ryan (1)
- President Barack Obama "has doubled the size of government since he took office." GOP's budget guru should know better
- A bill that could restrict free speech when the president is nearby was signed by President Barack Obama "in secret." Public debate, public votes, routine signing
Mitch Daniels (1)
- "Nearly half of all persons under 30 did not go to work today." Because many of them were in school
Herman Cain (1)
- China is "trying to develop nuclear capability." They've had it for more than 40 years
Fred Karger (1)
- "If a President Romney got a call from the president of the (Mormon church), he has no choice but to obey. It is obedience over family and country." Wrong for JFK, wrong now
Jon Huntsman (1)
- "The IRS is already planning on 19,500 new employees to administer" Obama’s health care mandate. Raising the ante on discredited figures
Victoria Jackson (1)
- "A clause hidden in the Obamacare bill, which is now law, gives Obama the right to form a private army." Only if they fight with tongue depressors
AmeriPAC (1)
"The Democrats have already voted to ban our conventional light bulbs ... in favor of dangerous fluorescent light bulbs." Belied by light bulbs now on Home Depot shelves
"Seniors will have to find $12,500 for health care because Republicans voted to end Medicare." Don't break open the piggy bank!
Reince Priebus (1)
"We’ve lost 26 million jobs … since (Obama’s) been president." Off by a factor of 10
WorldNetDaily (1)
"A U.S. Government Accountability Office report says Planned Parenthood Federation of America cannot find some $1.3 billion given to it by the federal government from 2002 through 2008." GAO found nothing of the sort
Tim Pawlenty (1)
"Since January 2008 the private sector has lost nearly 8 million jobs while local, state and federal governments added 590,000." Public-sector number is wrong in at least three ways
Mike Prendergast (1)
"Congresswoman Kathy Castor voted to spend $2.6 million to teach prostitutes in China to drink responsibly." Grant was selected by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, under Bush administration
- Says Barack "Obama admits he’s coming for our guns, telling Sarah Brady, ‘We are working on (gun control), but under the radar.’ " Iffy quote, worse interpretation
- "Obama's Ten Point Plan to 'Change' the Second Amendment…Ban use of firearms for home defense." Yes, and outlaw apple pie as well
- Says the stimulus bill sent tax credits overseas, such as "$1.2 billion to a solar company that's building a plant in Mexico." Nope — try loan for project in California
- "A government panel that didn't include cancer specialists says women shouldn't receive mammograms until age 50...If government takes over health care, recommendations like these could become the law for all kinds of diseases." Amendments assure mammogram coverage for women over 40
Crossroads GPS (2)
- "Unions don’t have to comply with Obamacare." Long explanation for a whole lot of nothing
- "North Dakota's economy is reeling." Cookie-cutter ad gone bad
Nancy Pelosi (2)
Promotes a chart saying that Barack Obama has "increased the debt" by 16 percent, compared to George W. Bush, who increased it by 115 percent. Calculations shift responsibility for one debt-heavy year from Obama to Bush
Says John Boehner "admits 'we are not going to be any different than we’ve been' " by returning to "the same failed economic policies" that "wrecked our economy." Boehner was talking about social issues, not economics

- Says Mitt Romney did not pay taxes for 10 years. Big claim, but nothing to back it up
- There was a "loss of eight million jobs during the Bush eight years." Yes, eight million jobs lost, but not during Bush's eight years
"We haven't yet taken out a negative ad." Except the one that paints her opponent as a roving psychopath
Chris Coons has "Marxist beliefs." Headline of college article was an obvious joke

With his decision on whether to fire Gen. Stanley McChrystal, President Obama "has to fix yet another problem he inherited from the Bush administration." Obama was the one who put him in charge of war in Afghanistan
"Louisiana Sen. Mary Landrieu received almost $1.8 million from BP over the last decade." $1.8 million? More like $25,200
Rudy Giuliani (2)
"We had no domestic attacks under Bush." Did Rudy get amnesia?
"I'm probably one of the four or five best-known Americans in the world." Famous, but not that famous
RNC version of a Hillary Clinton valentine: "Roses are red, violets are blue, I'll raise your taxes and there is nothing you can do." Hunk of burning love
Schoolchildren across the nation "will be forced to watch the president justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other president." We didn't realize studying hard was socialist ideology
"Fidel Castro endorses Obama." Castro not stumping for Obama
Michael Steele (2)
The Department of Veterans Affairs has "a manual out there telling our veterans stuff like, 'Are you really of value to your community?' You know, encouraging them to commit suicide." VA does not encourage suicide
"You and I know that in the history of mankind and womankind, government — federal, state, local, or otherwise — has never created one job." Tell that to teachers, postal workers ...
Sarah Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States." He's wrong, even without counting all the votes
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were "brave people, most of whom, by the way, were clergymen." 1 out of 56 equals 'most'? No, it doesn't
"Hillary (Clinton), one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995." Not at night, not one time, not ...
Obama "basically threatened to bomb Pakistan." Et tu, Clinton?

Schoolchildren across the nation "will be forced to watch the president justify his plans for government-run health care, banks, and automobile companies, increasing taxes on those who create jobs, and racking up more debt than any other president." We didn't realize studying hard was socialist ideology
"Fidel Castro endorses Obama." Castro not stumping for Obama

The Department of Veterans Affairs has "a manual out there telling our veterans stuff like, 'Are you really of value to your community?' You know, encouraging them to commit suicide." VA does not encourage suicide
"You and I know that in the history of mankind and womankind, government — federal, state, local, or otherwise — has never created one job." Tell that to teachers, postal workers ...
Sarah Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States." He's wrong, even without counting all the votes
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were "brave people, most of whom, by the way, were clergymen." 1 out of 56 equals 'most'? No, it doesn't
"Hillary (Clinton), one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995." Not at night, not one time, not ...
Obama "basically threatened to bomb Pakistan." Et tu, Clinton?
Sarah Palin "got more votes running for mayor of Wasilla, Alaska, than Joe Biden got running for president of the United States." He's wrong, even without counting all the votes
The signers of the Declaration of Independence were "brave people, most of whom, by the way, were clergymen." 1 out of 56 equals 'most'? No, it doesn't
"Hillary (Clinton), one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995." Not at night, not one time, not ...
Obama "basically threatened to bomb Pakistan." Et tu, Clinton?
"Hillary (Clinton), one time late at night when she was exhausted, misstated and immediately apologized for it, what happened to her in Bosnia in 1995." Not at night, not one time, not ...
Obama "basically threatened to bomb Pakistan." Et tu, Clinton?
J.D. Hayworth (2)
"The Massachusetts Supreme Court...defined marriage as simply, quote, the establishment of intimacy ... I guess that would mean if you really had affection for your horse, I guess you could marry your horse." Mr. and Mrs. Ed?

"The Massachusetts Supreme Court...defined marriage as simply, quote, the establishment of intimacy ... I guess that would mean if you really had affection for your horse, I guess you could marry your horse." Mr. and Mrs. Ed?
"Up until two weeks ago, John McCain was a leading proponent of amnesty. Now with me challenging him, suddenly he has changed." No evidence that Hayworth spooked the Maverick

- President Barack Obama "has doubled the size of government since he took office." GOP's budget guru should know better
- A bill that could restrict free speech when the president is nearby was signed by President Barack Obama "in secret." Public debate, public votes, routine signing

- "Nearly half of all persons under 30 did not go to work today." Because many of them were in school

- China is "trying to develop nuclear capability." They've had it for more than 40 years
Fred Karger (1)
- "If a President Romney got a call from the president of the (Mormon church), he has no choice but to obey. It is obedience over family and country." Wrong for JFK, wrong now

- "The IRS is already planning on 19,500 new employees to administer" Obama’s health care mandate. Raising the ante on discredited figures
Victoria Jackson (1)
- "A clause hidden in the Obamacare bill, which is now law, gives Obama the right to form a private army." Only if they fight with tongue depressors

"The Democrats have already voted to ban our conventional light bulbs ... in favor of dangerous fluorescent light bulbs." Belied by light bulbs now on Home Depot shelves
"Seniors will have to find $12,500 for health care because Republicans voted to end Medicare." Don't break open the piggy bank!
Reince Priebus (1)
"We’ve lost 26 million jobs … since (Obama’s) been president." Off by a factor of 10

"A U.S. Government Accountability Office report says Planned Parenthood Federation of America cannot find some $1.3 billion given to it by the federal government from 2002 through 2008." GAO found nothing of the sort

"Since January 2008 the private sector has lost nearly 8 million jobs while local, state and federal governments added 590,000." Public-sector number is wrong in at least three ways
Mike Prendergast (1)
"Congresswoman Kathy Castor voted to spend $2.6 million to teach prostitutes in China to drink responsibly." Grant was selected by the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, under Bush administration
Ed Perlmutter voted for "Viagra for rapists" paid for with tax dollars. No such vote.
Dan Coats (1)
The new health care law will "force seniors into Barack Obama's government-run health care program." LBJ's government-run health plan is 45 years old
John Raese (1)
Under the new health care law, "the first person (a) patient has to go to is a bureaucrat. That is called a panel." Another in the long line of rhetorical excesses by health bill opponents
Jan Brewer (1)
"Our law enforcement agencies have found bodies in the desert, either buried or just lying out there, that have been beheaded." Some skulls; no beheadings
Barbara Boxer (1)
"I asked (then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice) how many people had died and she did not know the answer to that question." Wasn't asked. Wasn't answered.

"Ninety-four percent of small businesses will face higher taxes under the Democrats' plan." Wrong, wrong, and wrong again

"Without representation, (the IRS) can increase taxes." Gather the facts first
Jim DeMint (1)
"Ninety-four percent of the bills that pass the Senate have no debate, no vote, no amendments, no reading of the bill, no online disclosure." Stacking the deck

"Barbara Boxer's worried about the weather" instead of terrorism as the biggest threat to national security. No, Boxer's not more worried about thunderstorms

Elena Kagan is "a New York City radical, Marxist lawyer through and through." Writing a history thesis about socialism does not a Marxist make
"We researched to find out if anybody on Fox News had ever said you're going to jail if you don't buy health insurance. Nobody's ever said it." Apparently, the research wasn't thorough enough
"The economy began its nose dive when Democrats took control of Congress in January 2007." Is it a nose dive if it's delayed by a full year?
"I'm glad for the wording of it (an ethics report on corporate-sponsored Congressional trips) because clearly the wording exonerates me." Not according to our dictionary
The stimulus bill "didn’t create one new job." Despite grim employment numbers, the stimulus has created jobs
Nancy Pfotenhauer (1)
The president's health care proposals will cause "most Americans to have their premiums increased, not decreased, and hundreds of millions of people lose their current insurance coverage." Pretending clarity while distorting
President Obama "doesn't ... want to admit we're at war." Except for all those times he's said we're at war
If President Obama signs the Copenhagen climate change treaty, he "will sign your freedom, your democracy, and your prosperity away forever — and neither you nor any subsequent government you may elect would have any power whatsoever to take it back again." Freedom and democracy will be unscathed, and we could back out if we want to, anyway
Over the past few months, we've learned that "we just can't count on the media to debunk" lies about health insurance reform. No media debunking? Helloooooo!

Birthers have obtained a copy of Obama's Kenyan birth certificate. We take this stuff seriously so you don't have to

"I'm 59. In either Canada or Great Britain, if I broke my hip, I couldn’t get it replaced." You're nowhere near too old for a hip replacement, Congressman

Page 992 of the health care bill will "establish school-based 'health' clinics. Your children will be indoctrinated and your grandchildren may be aborted!" Nothing like that in the bill

The health care reform bill "would make it mandatory — absolutely require — that every five years people in Medicare have a required counseling session that will tell them how to end their life sooner." No, the government isn't going to kill Granny
The health care reform bill -- on Page 16 -- outlaws private insurance. Misreading the legislation, then standing by it

The federal Hate Crimes Prevention Act bill would create "special protection for pedophiles." No special protection for pedophiles
"The administration raises revenue for nationalized health care through a series of new taxes, including a light switch tax that would cost every American household $3,128 a year." Global warming sets GOP pants afire
Cynthia Lummis (1)
Under Obama's budget plan, families making over $250,000 are "going to lose their mortgage deduction, their charitable deductions." Tumbleweed farmers unite!
The stimulus bill includes "$300,000 for a sculpture garden in Miami." Chiseling the truth
Says McCain "voted to let governments charge rape victims" for forensic exams. Ad distorts McCain's record on Violence Against Women Act

McCain's energy plan is a "single-answer proposition" — new domestic oil drilling. McCain energy plan not just more drilling

Barack Obama "rejects everyone white, including his mother and his grandparents." Obama does not reject his family
Says McCain was a "Hanoi Hilton songbird" who collaborated with the enemy. No evidence McCain was a traitor
The Mormon religion has "a plan that will see the Constitution thrown out and replaced by a theocracy." No evidence to support conspiracy theory

Edwards says if Congress won't pass universal health care, he'll tell Congress: "I'm going to use my power as president to take your health care away from you." Prez can't snatch Congress' health care

"Iowa, for good reason, for constitutional reasons, for reasons related to the Lord, should be the first caucus and primary."
Mike Gravel (1)
"In 1972, we had a 179,000 human beings in jail in this country. Today, it's 2.3-million, and 70 percent of them are black, African-American." He's off, way off on who's in prison
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